Global Employer Services News June 2021

Working from home post pandemic - Employers need to consider how their staff may want to work in future

BDO Belgium recently conducted their Teleworking 2.0 survey to assess attitudes to the workplace post-pandemic.  Results suggested that a significant majority of individuals across different sectors would want to continue working from a home office post-pandemic for at least 2 days per week.

84% of the 1617 respondents, of which 40% held managerial positions, stated that they would prefer to work from home for 2 or more days a week post-pandemic. The driving factors for this were the increase in productivity and the lack or commute.

Other results showed that over 50% maintained the viewpoint that the office was the ideal place to perform brainstorming activities and 72% felt that attending an office would be beneficial for keeping up informal contacts. 

Employer should be preparing their strategy for the return to work post-pandemic and how they may wish to accommodate such preferences in future/

If you have any questions, please do reach out to your BDO contact and to download the full report please visit: Teleworking survey 2.0: 8 out of 10 Belgians are far from tired of teleworking - BDO

Peter Wuyts