The BDO 600 - 2023 Studies of Executive and Board Compensation Within Mid-Market Public Companies

Original content provided by BDO USA

As Pay Continues to Rise, Stakeholders Continue to Demand Greater Transparency

Executive and board pay practices continue to face scrutiny from shareholders, investors, and employees seeking greater transparency. With new pay versus performance rules adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2022, companies are now required to more clearly show how their executive pay programs tie to the company’s financial performance. Organizations must strike a balance between aligning compensation with shareholder value creation metrics while at the same time attracting and retaining talent for key senior leadership roles.

The BDO 600 examines compensation plans and pay levels of 600 mid-market public companies — a unique feature, as most compensation studies focus on much larger companies. The study is broken into two reports, CEO and CFO Compensation and Board Director Compensation, and includes comparisons by company size and industry.