Erik Van Den Broeck
Getting your business from A to B
The industrial construction and infrastructure industries are changing rapidly. Energy sector projects (solar, wind, liquid and natural gas, wave) along with the replacement of aging infrastructure in the developed world, and the construction of vital infrastructure in the developing world is having a significant impact on the dynamics of the real estate industry.
In this environment, commercial construction companies are facing a host of issues related to financing, changing tax regulations, labour issues, and increased competition. As the sector continues to rely less on traditional forms of financing, experienced and forward-looking guidance is more important than ever. In addition to a global network of accounting and consulting resources, our relationship with the Construction Accounting Network, which consists of more than 1,000 construction industry leaders, offers access to the knowledge and experience of a nationwide association of professionals. BDO has built professional connections with both public and private companies, which we can leverage to help you secure the right partner for your project.
Erik Van Den Broeck