Climate risk

Climate risk

Climate change is one of the major challenges associated with the 21st century and is inextricably linked to the global economy and equitable social development. It remains a key risk, both in terms of impact and likelihood, on the WEF’s risk register and several global themes have emerged, including a just energy transition, context-specific adaptation measures, and the urgent need to build social resilience across different economies. 

Managing climate change risks, impacts and contributions have become critical to business continuity. However, the nature of climate change makes the management thereof challenging.

  • Complexity of the direct and indirect impacts of climate change. So too are business ecosystems, post-pandemic economic growth and the rapidly changing financial environment. Climate change exacerbates the current challenges within these environments and key economic sectors.
  • Climate change is a long-term challenge which requires immediate actions, aligned to future mitigation and adaptation objectives.
  • The key drivers of climate change are the very same challenges many countries face in meeting sustainable development objectives:  energy and decarbonisation, transport, and urbanisation and social vulnerabilities.
  • Climate change solutions require multi-party collaboration. Climate change is not an ‘environmental issue’ - the impacts and risks of climate change are cross-sectoral, either in context or impact.

BDO recognises the critical need to address climate change. We have a global team of specialists who can navigate the complexities and deliver client-specific solutions. Our team has extensive experience in both mitigation and adaptation across a range of economic sectors as well as leading strategic climate policy development in different parts of the world.

At BDO our diversity of experience in this field helps us to unpack this topic for our clients and find solutions which are aligned to climate science and best practice methodologies.

Climate Services

  • GHG Accounting and target setting
  • Low-carbon strategy development and net-zero planning
  • Climate risk assessment and climate scenario analysis
  • Climate reporting in terms of various international frameworks (including CDP, ClimateWise, TCFD)
  • Product carbon-footprinting

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